Category / Actions / Highlighted / Platform / Research
CRIT Critical Chronology in Design
Pedagogic and research device to generate tools to help understand and take on current socio-environmental challenges through the identification of historical reference points in design culture.
Co-laboratory for reimagining unity
Estrategia de articulación distribuida entre diferentes colectivos, agentes, laboratorios ciudadanos e instituciones públicas para la consolidación del Ecosistema de Innovación Ciudadana.
REHOGAR X PLUS. Open Devices
A 40-day experimentation and research process that, through four devices, tracks historical models and speculate on new contexts of living and future paths for design practice
The Time Machine device
Experimental and collaborative investigation that wants to return to the past to learn about important key referents in history, to understand the present, and to us move towards the future to advance new paths in the practice of design.
Mutating atlas device
Un dispositivo cartográfico de proyectos, iniciativas y comunidades que, a través de la práctica, buscan mutar el territorio e investigan nuevas formas de habitar desde el respecto a las personas y al entorno.
To innovate educational spaces through research, reuse and redesign.
GRRR — Platform for the Reuse and Redistribution of Resources
A strategy that encourages people to optimise and take advantage of resources, materials and ideas.
Collaborative platform focused on research and learning in the fields of Open Design, Reuse and DIY.